
MANDRILL P.I. #1-6 – A noir tale for cartoon lovers

Created by Christopher Brimmage

A hardboiled detective uncovers a plot full of corruption & MAD SCIENCE. If he can learn to rely on his friends, then he MIGHT survive.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Rewards Sent & Print Proofs Approved!
8 months ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 08:00:24 AM

Check your inbox, because digital rewards have been sent!

I sent out digital rewards a few minutes ago!

Everyone who finished their survey should have received an email from Backerkit with links to your digital rewards. Huzzah! If you misplaced your survey link, you can get it here:

If you didn't receive your digital rewards, the email may have landed in your spam folder. If you can't find it, please message me on Kickstarter or email me at [email protected], and I'll get them to you right away. And if you're missing anything from your digital rewards, please don't hesitate to email me and I'll get it fixed right away!

Also, I received the print proofs from Comic Impressions, and I've approved them. The book looks great, and as soon as the physical copies arrive, I'll begin shipping out the physical rewards. All other physical items have arrived at my place, including pins, stickers, metal cover comics, and magnets.

And a reminder of other awesome news:

The third MANDRILL P.I. novel is coming soon! This is the thrilling conclusion of the story.

Here's what it's about:

Shapeshifting aliens have invaded Toonsville. As these tentacled creatures begin secretly murdering people and swapping them with undercover doppelgängers, it quickly becomes impossible to know whom to trust. They're replacing individuals so fast that the city is nearly conquered before MANDRILL P.I. discovers there is a problem! And now, this hardboiled, hard-drinking private detective must stop them before it’s too late.

Can he overcome his demons quickly enough to put an end to the alien invasion? Or is Toonsville and everyone for whom he cares doomed to be conquered and killed?

If you like alien invasion stories like They Live, The Thing, or Invasion of the Body Snatchers, you'll love this novel!

PLUS Carlos created this awesome exclusive print for the novel, which will be available in METAL that does an amazing job capturing the paranoia and isolation Manny experiences in this novel:

We would love for you to follow our pre-launch Kickstarter page. Clicking the link below and then tapping "Notify me on launch" on the Kickstarter page will help ensure we have the strongest launch possible. We're planning to launch in November after I've fulfilled the physical rewards from issue #5.

Note: clicking the "notify" button in NO WAY obligates you to back the project on launch, but it does help with the Kickstarter algorithms and is vital to the project's success. And this author will love you forever if you do so :)


I'm super excited with our progress, and I can't wait to send you your rewards!


Surveys incoming! Oh, and Novel #3 coming soon!
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 06:22:14 PM

Good News: BackerKit has approved the fulfillment survey!

It's super important that you complete your survey ASAP when you see it show up in your inbox. Among other things, this is how I'll know what name to use in the "thank you" section in the back of the book (and, of course, where to send your rewards...).

  • I'm going to need to set a deadline of January 12 if you want to ensure your name gets placed in the "thank you" section in the back of the digital version (if you don't respond by then, I'll just use your first name or Kickstarter handle--no worries!); feel free to reach out if getting it done by then will be a problem.

Just a heads up that the first thing BackerKit requires is something called a Smoke Test, which is where a random 5% of backers across all pledge levels get the survey link. This is to ensure that it works properly.

Thus, some of you will receive the email with a special link to your BackerKit survey immediately, while the rest of you will get yours about a day later. Please check your spam/junk boxes if you don't see the email in your Inbox in the next couple days.

Also, there’s no need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. Just click the link to fill out the survey when you receive the email. Answer the questions about your rewards, provide shipping information (if you chose physical items), and purchase add-on items if there are any that you fancy.

Please fill out the survey as soon as you see it come through. This way I can begin fulfilling orders right away.

Thanks again for backing this book! I've placed the order for the physical comics (waiting on print proofs right now), and I've placed the orders for all the additional items (stickers, bookmarks, etc.). This puts us on track to fulfill the physical rewards by sometime in February and the digital rewards before the end of the month.

Wanna hear some more awesome news?

The third MANDRILL P.I. novel, They Live Among Us, is coming soon.

Click here or scan the QR code to sign up for notification on launch

Here's what it's about:

Shapeshifting aliens have invaded Toonsville. As these tentacled creatures begin secretly murdering people and swapping them with undercover doppelgängers, it quickly becomes impossible to know whom to trust. They're replacing individuals so fast that the city is nearly conquered before MANDRILL P.I. discovers there is a problem! And now, this hardboiled, hard-drinking private detective must stop them before it’s too late.

Can he overcome his demons quickly enough to put an end to the alien invasion? Or is Toonsville and everyone for whom he cares doomed to be conquered and killed?

We would love for you to follow our pre-launch Kickstarter page. Clicking the link below and then tapping "Notify me on launch" on the Kickstarter page will help ensure we have the strongest launch possible. We're planning to launch in February after I've fulfilled the physical rewards from issue #6.

Note: clicking the "notify" button in NO WAY obligates you to back the project on launch, but it does help with the Kickstarter algorithms and is vital to the project's success. And this author will love you forever if you do so :)


I'm super excited with our progress, and I can't wait to send you your rewards!

We did it!
9 months ago – Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 10:30:05 AM

We did it.  175 backers. 171% funded. Thank you so much!!!

We couldn't have done any of this without your support and enthusiasm. This campaign has been incredible, and it's all because of you.

We also unlocked the final Stretch Goal and Milestone Reward:

This means all physical backers get a stickerized version of the virgin cover art by Carlos Trigo, and EVERYBODY gets a digital copy of the delightful sci-fi comic, The Adventures of Galaxy Girl in Outer Space, by Andrew Taylor, Catia Fantini, Sid Quade, and Gabe Ostley! So cool!

So, what's next? The first thing is to fix “errored” pledges.

Over the next couple weeks, Kickstarter will process the funds. They will also try and correct what they term “errored” pledges. This generally happens when a backer's credit card has expired and needs to be updated.

Kickstarter gives us just a few days to correct these pledges, so make sure to update those or you will not be able to receive your rewards. And that's no fun!

As I write this, there are 12 people with errored pledges, so please check your inboxes in case you received a message from Kickstarter.

(Please message me if you have any issues correcting your pledge. I want to ensure you get all your rewards.)

The Timeline:

Once the funds are processed, you’ll be receiving a Backerkit survey that will collect the address where you’d like us to ship your books, as well as the name you’d like to see appear in the special “Thank You” page at the back of the digital edition. You'll also have the chance to add any other add-ons you'd like to grab before the art heads to print.

When you receive those surveys, please respond ASAP. Once those surveys are back, I’ll email the digital rewards. Meanwhile, I’ll send the pages off to the printer to get the books into your hands ASAP. I’ll keep you posted along the way.

One last thing...


This campaign exceeded my wildest expectations, and it's all thanks to your support. I can't wait to share MANDRILL P.I. with you.


Milestone Reward unlocked + FREE gifts :)
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 09:24:56 PM

Hello again!

Some wonderful news: we've unlocked Milestone Reward #2!

Everybody will be receiving a free digital version of the comic Blood & Fire!

PLUS, it also means it's time to announce the 3rd Milestone Reward:

That's right! Super cool science fiction headed your way when we cross the 175 backer mark.

But that's not all!

I also wanted to ensure we have more free gifts, one physical and one digital.

That's right! All physical backers will be receiving a free sticker with art by Brook Penrose!

And all backers at any level will be getting a digital copy of Triumviratus by Shane W. Smith! It's an epic fantasy filled with twists and turns.

Thank you again for backing MANDRILL P.I.! I'll be back soon with another update, but until then, my favorite part of these updates: highlighting other projects you may be interested in.



This is a ridiculously cool collected edition by my friend, Tim.

WATER WARS: 2288 is an overarching series of post- apocalyptic short stories, where unusual characters struggle to survive in a  terrifying alternate America. A time of Solar Flares, Rogue Robots, and Raging Pandemics. A world of Dystopian Governments, Mutated Insects, and Mysterious Saviors.

The art is fantastic and the writing is top notch. Check it out!



A mentally unstable Doctor has been conducting illegal animal experiments deep within Black Rose Labs. After a huge explosion wipes out half the city, Black Rose uses their power and influence to have the city evacuated and placed in quarantine while their secret military personnel dispose of the evidence of their illegal experiments.

But the military personnel find they're one animal tag short. And soon, this experiment returns for revenge.

This project has some really cool art and the story seems super engaging. Check it out.



This comic has a really cool concept. It's the story of a slain hit man who is recruited by Hell to corrupt souls before the world ends.

Tony Scomparsa is the world's most feared hitman. For years, Tony worked the mob's most daunting and dangerous jobs. Unfortunately for him, he finally found a job that was too big for even his great skillset.

After dying on the job, he quickly discovers that death is the least of his problems. Upon his death, he finds himself a pawn in a twisted game being played between Heaven and Hell.

A game of souls. A game that will be abruptly coming to an end when the new millennium begins and all portals to the afterlife will close indefinitely. Which side will he choose, and will he retain any of his soul when he makes his final decision?


Stretch Goal #1 Unlocked ... And We're a "Project We Love!"
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 07:13:41 AM

Hello again!

Some wonderful news: we've unlocked Stretch Goal #1 & Milestone Reward #1!

So what does that mean? It means all physical backers get a free bookmark so you can mark your books to your heart's content, and all backer names will be added to a "thank you" page at the back of the digital edition!

PLUS, it also means it's time to announce the 2nd stretch goal! And here we go:

That's right! Once we pass the next goal, all physical backers will receive a die-cut sticker, and after we pass 15 more backers, added into your rewards will be a digital copy of BLOOD & FIRE by Aaron Wroblewski & Ezequiel Rubio!

What's it about?

Melding sword wielding action with horror, Blood & Fire is a samurai tale of love, honor, family, and betrayal. Set in 16th Century Japan, a time when the country is divided and gripped by chaos. When Nakaaki is betrayed, his revenge will take him beyond... Blood and Fire... Rivers will run red.


I got a really cool email from Kickstarter: MANDRILL P.I. has been selected as a “Project We Love!” This is a huge honor, and I'm incredibly excited by the news.

But I'm more excited for the amazing support you have shown for this project. Thank you again!

Please keep sharing it on your socials so we can keep the momentum going. And the more we fund, the more cool stuff gets added to the rewards!  :)


And now, my favorite part of these updates: project recommendations! Click the images or links to be redirected:


This is a super-cool story set in a superpowered universe. It's got amazing art and fantastic writing. And a delightfully named title :)

Punchline and the Vaude-Villains is a five issue series set in Cleveland's Hero Tomorrow Comics universe. It goes deep into the psyche of Drayton Hayes/Punchline as he's challenged by the main superhero in the universe, Apama, and this brand new nemesis from Mexico — Violanté the Undead!



This is a really cool comic. It's the story of a slain hit man who is recruited by Hell to corrupt souls before the world ends.

For years, Tony worked the mob's most daunting and dangerous jobs. Unfortunately for him, he finally found a job that was too big for even his great skillset.

After dying on the job, he quickly discovers that death is the least of his problems. Upon his death, he finds himself a pawn in a twisted game being played between Heaven and Hell.

A game of souls. A game that will be abruptly coming to an end when the new millennium begins and all portals to the afterlife will close indefinitely.

Which side will he choose, and will he retain any of his soul when he makes his final decision?